Member Spot Light Theresa Bucci

PARMA Member Spotlight Meet Theresa Bucci How did you get into Risk Management? I started in the insurance industry in 1996 working for The Doctor’s Company. I then moved on to Keenan & Associates for a few years working with the school districts and now at the County of Ventura for 17 years as the Insurance & Subrogation Specialist. I love what I do, I love the County of Ventura, and how I get to help the 26 agencies at the county and the public. What are the rewards you experience professionally by being a PARMA member? Learning and networking. Those are two valuable components you get with

Special Message from the PARMA President

Dear Colleagues: I am excited to see everyone in person at our annual conference! From the responses we have seen, you are just as excited! As your president and fellow risk management professional, I want to ensure you that PARMA is monitoring the local, state, and federal guidelines as it pertains to the pandemic. In addition, we are working closely with Disney to ensure your health and safety at our conference. As of this writing, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) requires the following for indoor events of our size: Attendees must provide proof that they: Are fully

Member Spot Light Roberto Reyes

PARMA Member Spotlight Meet Roberto Reyes Claims Representative County of San Diego How did you become a risk manager? I am a Claims Representative for the County of San Diego rather than a Risk Manager. My inquisitive nature has led me to want to do investigative work. I previously worked at GEICO Insurance with my ultimate goal being to work for the anti-fraud team, however along the way I changed paths and began my work with the County. I have been adjusting liabilities for the greater part of the last decade. What are the rewards you experience professionally by being a PARMA member? PARMA

Member Spot Light Charles Johnson

PARMA Member Spotlight Meet Charles Johnson Management Analyst City of Clovis, General Services Department Personnel Division | Risk and Workers Compensation Tell me about how you became a risk manager? My career journey into risk management has been an interesting “rodeo”! Prior to entering risk management I was a police officer in the Valley for several years. I later decided to keep options open and began to volunteer as a Risk Analyst for a local municipality while still employed as an officer to obtain experience in government. After volunteering for approximately a year or so I was

PARMA Webinar: Legislative Update

Watch for email notices with registration links for our monthly webinars coming soon! Visit our events calendar for more specific information for each webinar as it becomes available. Date: May 14, 2021 Time 11:00am Subject: Legislative Update This session will include a discussion of current legislation about workers compensation, tort liability, and workplace safety. Presented by: Faith Borges, California Advocates Inc. Speaker Bio: CAJPA Lobbyist, Faith Borges is with the firm California Advocates Inc, where she provides professional advocacy services before the legislature and regulatory

Member Spot Light Julie Nester

PARMA Member Spotlight Meet Julie Nester Senior Manager Property and Liability Program San Diego and Imperial County Schools Risk Management JPA Tell me about how you became a risk manager? By accident! I got a job right out of school with The Travelers Insurance. I worked as a claims adjuster and claims supervisor and then started working for employers in different risk capacities. Eventually, I was promoted to Risk Manager. It’s been an interesting journey. What are the rewards you experience professionally by being a PARMA member? The local San Diego Chapter has been very welcoming. It’s a

PARMA 2021 Virtual Conference Contest

CONTEST TIME: Register for the PARMA 2021 Virtual Conference, then watch the promo video below and send in the correct movie references from it to to be entered to win a $100 gift certificate! Note: In order to qualify for the drawing you must register on or before January 8 and guess the movie references.

Member Spot Light Steven Schwartz

PARMA Member Spotlight Meet Steven Schwartz, CSP Risk Manager, City of Fremont Tell me about how you became a risk manager? My path to risk management has been circuitous at best. I started my career as a robotics engineer working in Silicon Valley. After several years of robotics work, I was given an opportunity to transition into the role of a corporate environmental/ safety engineer. I found the area of safety engineering rewarding and after a couple years I accepted a job in the Pacific Northwest as a safety officer for a large park district which included overseeing two wildlife parks

PARMA Presents: COVID Conversations

PARMA is excited to announce a new series of no cost webinars related to various aspects of managing COVID-19. The series titled COVID Conversations will be presented by "subject matter" experts. Each Conversation will include a 45-minute presentation with Q&A to follow. You won't want to miss these engaging, thought provoking conversations. Watch for email notices with registration links coming soon! Visit our events calendar for more specific information for each webinar as it becomes available. Date: August 20, 2020 Time 11:00am Subject: Facility Considerations This session will address how