By now, all states and local municipalities are back to work in either a full or limited capacity.  For most businesses, this is a welcome sign, but reopening does not occur without some risks. Employers and employees will now need to consider both new and old risks before reopening their doors. For a business to successfully open, the organization will need to prioritize three goals: 1) reduce the likelihood of transmission within the workplace, 2) resume and maintain business operations, and 3) continue to promote a healthy and safe work environment. These three goals are unachievable without developing a thorough, comprehensive business resumption plan and addressing the potential business disruptors.

Reduce Transmission Opportunities

Many experts have stressed the need for handwashing, proper hygiene and wiping down surfaces. These methods for controlling transmission are still required and should remain enforced in the workplace. The purpose of these control measures is to disrupt the transmission cycle. As we now understand, this virus spreads rapidly within the general public, whether or not a person exhibits symptoms. Many individuals display no outward signs of infection, and yet, they have the means to transmit this virus to an additional two to five people. 

Social distancing is also important to reduce transmission. Achieving the recommended six feet of separation between individuals requires some social engineering of the business. Elevators, access points and open floor designs are several areas that create risk. To reduce the risks in elevators, promoting the use of stairwells could be useful, but may be impractical for some businesses. Continuing to provide work-at-home accommodations for employees who request reasonable accommodations may work for the short-term. Otherwise, wearing masks while inside elevators using gloves to press elevator control buttons should be highly encouraged. Staggered work schedules by floors or workgroups can also minimize the number of employees entering the building and using the elevators at the same time. 

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