Member Spotlight - Toni Hoang

Tell me about how you became a risk manager? I don’t think anyone says “I want to be a risk manager when I grow up”, I was no exception. I’d like to think that I’ve always been a risk manager, I just didn’t know it yet. I never initially set out to become a risk manager, everything happened organically as my career progressed. My bachelor's degree is in biochemistry, I thought I was going to be a doctor, but my body told me differently and I changed my career path. Initially I was working for a construction company, I dabbled in some wine chemistry, worked in finance, then in contracts

Member Spotlight - Jenny Thompson

Tell me about how you became a risk manager. Mostly by accident, like many other risk managers! Prior to working with the County of Fresno, I spent nearly ten years in the Army working in signals intelligence. Throughout my Army career, I had many ancillary safety-related duties, serving as the Safety Officer at both the Company and Battalion levels for several years. In my final position with the Army, I oversaw the Security and Intelligence section, responsible for physical, information, personal, and operational security, dealing with various risk-related functions in the military