2025 Conference CE Certificates
The sessions listed here are eligible for continuing education credit. Please print the certificates for the sessions you attended. Certificates for MCLE sessions are not available here as those certificates were given at the conclusion of the session.
NOTE: Please only print certificates for the sessions you attended AND signed the record of attendance. PARMA retains the record of attendance in case of audit.
Member Spotlight - Toni Hoang
Tell me about how you became a risk manager? I don’t think anyone says “I want to be a risk manager when I grow up”, I was no exception. I’d like to think that I’ve always been a risk manager, I just didn’t know it yet. I never initially set out to become a risk manager, everything happened organically as my career progressed. My bachelor's degree is in biochemistry, I thought I was going to be a doctor, but my body told me differently and I changed my career path. Initially I was working for a construction company, I dabbled in some wine chemistry, worked in finance, then in contracts