California’s attorney general and state and local agencies are investigating whether Inc. has taken adequate steps to protect its workers from the coronavirus pandemic, according to a court filing on Monday.

Attorney General Xavier Becerra’s office, California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health and the San Francisco Department of Public Health “have all opened investigations into Amazon’s practices” around the pandemic, San Francisco Superior Court Judge Ethan Schulman wrote in the filing.

Chiyomi Brent, described as a picker who fills orders at Amazon’s San Francisco Fulfillment Center, filed a lawsuit on June 11 contending the world’s largest online retailer has put workers at “needless risk.” The lawsuit alleges unsafe practices such as having workers share equipment such as freezer suits and failing to allow extra time for safe social distancing.

The attorney general’s office declined to comment, and Amazon and the other agencies did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

No Preliminary Injunction

Schulman refused to issue a preliminary injunction that would have closed the warehouse until more precautions were taken. He said Brent had failed to show risk of imminent harm and her concerns would be better handled by government investigators.

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